Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hating this new raiding crap- I'm missing all the progressive stuff cause with my job and me being at my rents' house over the summer there's no way to know whether I'm gonna make a raid until the night of, so I can't sign up, and therefore I've been shouldered out of pretty much every serious raid we're doing. Good news though, is that my guild has downed Vashj and Rage Winterchill, and we tried our first attempt on Kael Sunday night (which I got to go to- thank god!) and got to phase 2 really easily- even got a few of the weapons dead within the first 4 tries. (It was 11:30 before we got there, so we only tried 5-6 times, if that). I suppose this forced break is good, but it's driving me insane.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Long time, no post.

As a full-time student, the prospect of WoW+finals makes for no time for much of anything else. What's new? 70 Rogue, nearly 60 lock #2, slowly building a horde toon, and perhaps in the process of switching mains. My guild is missing only Vashj and Kael from SSC/TK, and I'm ridiculously proud of the progress we've made. However I'll admit I was a little bummed to get called out for being someone who doesn't seem to "enjoy" progressive raiding. Granted, I guess I was acting that way because of RL stress, but it's still disappointing to see someone feel like they have to address you about not enjoying yourself.
My apparent discomfort with progressive raiding has caused me to miss the first kills of every boss post-Karathress, so while I am pleased that we're doing well and that I have managed to see all those bosses downed since (except Al'ar), I can't help but wonder if maybe my GM is noticing something I don't want to see. I don't know whether I'm bummed about missing so much success, or that I'm relieved that I've been let off the hook, or maybe a bit of both.
Either way, this summer I'm working/traveling so I'll be playing Warcraft considerably less than usual. Should be interesting :/

Monday, January 28, 2008

GG Blizz

After having reasonably successful raids all week, I was excited to have what looked like a promising raid last night, but much to my dismay, raid instance servers crashed about 5 mins before raid time, and as we split to go into 2 ZA runs, those servers died. Still motivated after waiting over an hour, we tried to split yet again to do 5 mans, and at that point the server was shut down completely. With a guild that has 2 good 25-man raid nights each week, I'm unhappy about that to say the least. Ah well, next week will see Lurker, Hydross, and Tidewalker down if I have anything to say about it.
SS from Hydross kill:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So SO Happy :)

Ok so my guild isn't giving BT a run for its money (yet). But for what we are (casual raiding guild) we aren't doing badly. Three firsts in less than a week (Hex Lord, Hydross, Zul'Jin) is leaving me feeling stoked for the raids to come. Even tonight, which got to a rough start (didn't have enough raiders before 10 to start the scheduled 25-man, and one of our RLs decided to QQ quite meanly on our forums), ended up kicking ass. 10 people went into ZA and we got our first full clear, and then we pulled together an essentially PuG Gruul at 12:30 am and I was rocking my priest's new t4 shoulders within the next hour. And we saw our first drop of the healing trink, which he's been holding out on us. It's always hot to go in and see nothing get D/E'd, even when its going to offset or alts. So now my priest is 4/5 and I'm too excited to fall asleep, because its good to see my guild bounce back after such a nasty night as this.

So here I stand

A complete loser in my own right and ahead of my time in another. 22 years old and a female WoW addict. But at least I enjoy it, and I'm decently good at it. To the left are 2 of my girls;

Twilightrose, my main- a feral druid since the day she was rolled, and one of my guild's top tanks :) Hovering around 15k hp and 30k armor unbuffed, she's my pride and joy. She's got more /played than I'd like to admit, but she's totally worth it, cause playing her makes me proud :P

Anystacia, my secondary, a disc/holy priest- I called her my alt till I joined a guild that needed her more than Twi. Now that I'm back in my old guild, Twi's my main again but Any's still used alot, and is comparably geared for the most part.

I have 2 more at 70- Shadowsrose, my NE hunter, and then Aytropos, my gnome lock, newly relocated to a PVE server (because PVP gets annoying.) On top of those, I have a small host of alts pre-60, the highest being a 57 gnome rogue (Jynxi) who I'm leveling for the purpose of getting an alchemy spec, and several around the mid-20s. But no matter the name, the race, or the class of my toon, I am always, and ever,
